Posts tagged ‘image’

August 8, 2010

Observation: The Influx of the Wannabe Tories

By Tal-Anna Szlenski

Using an expression as ‘Wannabe Tory’ is a bit brash. It supposes that there is such a thing as a ‘Real Tory’. Having no place to judge the ranks and degrees of Toryness, this is exactly what I am going to do.

As such I have taken the liberty to comment upon a growing phenomenon, hereby dubbed the ‘Wannabe Tories’. This avid group of typically middle-class tweeters with a highly politicized agenda, have taken it upon themselves to reinforce a Tory image of in-your-face-wealth and exaggerated arrogance. Whilst Cameron is making embarrassing attempts to appear like any regular Dave, the Wannabe Tories seek to do just the opposite.

In gleeful tweets we hear about their newest Smythson organiser, Fortnum and Mason tea selection, BUPA membership, and latest trip to Annabel’s.

Devoid of depth, yet full of tasteless boasting and hot air, the Wannabe Tories are now nothing more than a bad caricature of themselves. The focus has shifted from minimal-state proponents to something resembling an attitude found amongst teenagers in the local Argos store, donning gold jewellery to show they ‘have’. Frankly the attitude reflected from both camps, Argoers or Wannabe Tories, is ‘cheap’ and ‘put-on-for-show’. 

In short, with the Wannabe Tories going to lengths to prove their worth as first-class-Tories, they relegate the Tory brand to nothing more than a wannabe state of being.